Tatajuba route



The route to Tatajuba tells a story. In addition to plenty of adventure and the charm of the diverse landscapes, there is a special affection for the history of the place. In the 1980s, the community of Tatajuba was buried by the dunes, but it did not drive away the fishing families who rebuilt a new village, known as Nova Tatajuba. The population has lived integrated with nature through their ways of life since the 19th century and embraces community tourism.

Tatajuba remains almost untouched, in an ecosystem formed by many fixed and mobile dunes, mangroves, lagoons, permanent lagoons and interdune lagoons, connecting to the sea at certain times of the year.
Two of the main places to visit along the route are: the Funil dune and the Torta lagoon. The Funil dune is a sand wall where sandboarders and buggy riders have fun and entertain tourists on this natural wall. And at Lagoa da Torta, it's where you should relax, with nylon hammocks set up on the banks of the lagoon. For those who still want to venture out, canoeing and Standup tours are also offered there.

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